• History Of Origami
• World's Origami Folder
- Ken Blackburn
- Satoshi Kamiya
• Thai's Origami Folder
- Hmong Thongdee
- Ekasit Kemnguad
• Origami Terms
• Basic Symbols Of Origami
• Applications Of Origami
- Mathematics
- Medication |
Ken Blackburn
Ken Blackburn was born in Oxnard California on 24 March 1963. When he was 4 years old, his family moved to settle in Kernersville, North Carolina on an animal farm. He has been interested in paper airplane since he was young. He graduated from North Carolina State University in faculty of Aeronautical Engineering. He has been doing a variety of paper airplane presentations for a numbers of years. This includes presentations at schools, scouting events, paper airplane contests, workshops, motivational speaking to teachers and corporations, aviations groups and much more. In addition, he wrote a lot of paper folding airplane model books.
His time record of holding paper in the air has been developed continuously. This plane flied for 16.89 seconds in 1983, 17.2 in1987, 18.8 in 1994 and most recently on 10 August 1993, he broke the record by the time of 27.6 seconds which is the longest record time in the world and was recorded in Guinness book of World Record. His airplane was called the “Glider”, a simple but powerful airplane
- Georgia Dome, Atlanta, GA, October 8, 1998- “27.6 seconds”
- Example of books he wrote.
- His presentations about paper airplane